2335 N. Texas Ave
Texas 77581
From 9AM to 4PM on December 3th, 2021, the Pearland Neighborhood Center will be open to receive nonperishable and unexpired canned, boxes, and bottled foods.
With efforts like yours, donations received are given to those less fortunate to keep food on their tables through the holidays. I hope you will join me in collecting unexpired foods to deliver to the Pearland Neighborhood Center on this day. There will be live entertainment all day.
If you or someone you know would like to volunteer, we have many available spots that we will need help filling from marking out bar codes, checking expiration dates, organizing entertainment and food for volunteers, lifting boxes, sorting, etc.
For questions, please call the Pearland Neighborhood Center at 281-485-1987 or email debbie@pnctexas.com
Please donate using one of the options below.