Prior to 1987, the city of Pearland had virtually no health or human service agencies servicing the needs of its citizens. A group of community volunteers organized and implemented an extensive study to determine the need and feasibility of providing services to northern Brazoria County. Various United Way of Brazoria County agencies along with area residents were polled. The results of the survey indicated a substantial need for a multi-service center in the Pearland area.
The United Way of Brazoria County contributed a venture grant to help open the doors to the Pearland Neighborhood Center and began providing services to clients. Since its inception in 1987 the Pearland Neighborhood Center (PNC) has been fulfilling the needs of residents in the northern end of Brazoria County.
The multi-service center concept was in response to clients who need access to a variety of social services but were unable to travel to multiple locations. The “one stop” approach has proven to be the most effective way to deliver services.
Board of Directors

Mission Statement
To provide a foundation of effective services and responsive programs to facilitate the development of individuals and families.
Our Donors
Our Board of Directors
Anna Price
Becki Bonner
Brad Christen
Buck Stevens
Deborah Brown
Desiree Boutte
Grace Coronado
Julia Cavazos
Julie Garza
Luke Orlando
Mark Smith
Miranda Gonzales
Mona Chavarria
Naomi Stevens
Norma Guerra-Martinez
Roy Castillo
Stacy Adams